Wednesday 17 December 2014

Workshop 10 - Final Performance

Principal: Movement of the Body

Question: How does the body explore and contrast between dynamic extremities?

By this point I wanted to have a named, fully developed, explored, detailed and interesting solo piece that I could showcase for the camera and perform live. I wanted a clear idea for my lighting, music and costume and as well as this I envisioned performing the material to the best of my technical dance ability. I aimed to give ideas clearly and professionally in terms of lighting the piece and explain my principal/investigation well before performing to the audience.

Entering the studio theatre I was nervous about lighting the piece as it's something I've never had to do on my own before, although once I got into it I felt a lot more comfortable and the lighting technicians themselves were kind and helpful. After lighting the solo I then prepared myself for the performance, I chose to wear all blacks with a splash of dull colour on top as my vest top. I then waited for my turn to perform, I was last in the running order so I had time to ready myself to speak about my work and then perform it, after the performance we received compliments and then gave each other a round of applause.

Through completing these last few parts of my investigation I found that I am now able to share ideas with technicians and stage managers to complete a fully realised piece. Working alone gave me the artistic freedom to create however I wanted, working for something that is truly mine. I've been able to work in a new way, a way that I haven't had the chance to work before. I have found that I have more confidence in speaking and performing to a camera, and I am capable of creating in a short time scale.

See below a video of me introducing my work, and a video of me performing my work.
Music by Ben Frost
Song: Sinew/Bone
Album: F a R (2012)

Here is a short introduction on the solo piece.

Here is the finished product of my work, entitled: ANIMATE

I feel that my performance as an individual dance artist has proceeded my expectations, not in all ways, but mostly. My confidence has grown and I feel more established in my ideas and creativity than I did before the project. However I do feel that when it came to introducing my work to the camera I mumbled a little, saying the name of my main question incorrectly. I feel that I committed to my work and it shows in my performance, and I am very pleased with the outcome.

I feel that my solo work itself shows a clear exploration of my investigation, and answers the questions I have asked as a choreographer. I believe my music suits the movement material and I see a good variety of movements utilised within the work.

My feedback to myself would be to explore a further range of dynamics, and find even more ways of conveying them through movement. Look into more unusual movement and do some additional research to see what else is out there. Overall I am happy with how my work has progressed to this point and I am excited for the next project.

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