Sunday 16 November 2014

Workshop Plan

Throughout the course of the next 6 weeks I will be conducting workshops based among my choreographic principal, and the main question in which I will be exploring. I will also ask some sub-questions which I can use to explore my main point and experiment with it; movement wise and research wise. Using my research assistant, I will undergo a variety of tasks, either using myself, my assistant or collectively as the main explorer(s) within the workshops.

Here I have devised a plan consisting of ten workshops which I feel will help me in my exploration of my main and sub-questions. These workshops are a mix of academic and physical research and in some of these I will have help from my research intern Leigh Durrant, who was assigned to help me through this process.

Workshop Plan

Workshop 1

Sub-Q2: How can I explore extremities in a dynamic through creative tasks?

- Explore and share ideas and thoughts with research assistant, work through plan and start mind-mapping ideas and thoughts in regards to movement and research.

- Explore movement through improvisation and share.

Workshop 2

Sub-Q1: How does the body respond when contrasting a dynamic?

- Create a base phrase consisting of at least 16 counts as a starting point

- Discuss and share thoughts/criticisms.

Workshop 3

Sub-Question 1: How does the body respond when contrasting a dynamic?

- Show video footage from workshop 2 to intern, ask for feedback.

- With intern, look at some dynamics to use and add onto workshop 2's material together.

- Discuss and critique each other.

Workshop 4

Sub-Question 1: How does the body respond when contrasting a dynamic?

- Improvise on own thinking about using dynamics as a contrasting tool.

- Ask for feedback from intern/peers and note down.

- Video record findings and pull movement from it later.

Workshop 5

Sub-Question 3: How can I articulate the body fully in detail through the use of layered dynamics?

- Complete task to look at how dynamics can be layered on to individual body parts at different times.

- Create material on different body parts and string them together into a phrase.

- Share and feedback to each other.

Workshop 6

Sub-Question 3: How can I articulate the body fully in detail through the use of layered dynamics?

- Look back at the material from the previous workshop and make sure to keep it in mind.

- Create another phrase at least 16 counts long, keeping the same idea in mind.

- Explore creative methods such as chance etc. 

Workshop 7

Sub-Question 1: How does the body respond when contrasting a dynamic?

- Look back at base phrase material and discuss workshops so far.

- talk to intern and ask them to perform it to get a better feel for the movement, and self-critique. 

Workshop 8

Sub-Question 2: How can I explore extremities in a dynamic through creative tasks?

- Use previous material from workshops and discuss with assistant how the dynamics could be changed. Explore and find new ways of performing the material.

- Improvise movement thinking about vibration and segmenting the body.

Workshop 9

Sub-Question 2: How can I explore extremities in a dynamic through creative tasks?

- Go over all material and with the help of assistant piece phrases together in a logical manner. Rehearse until clear and ask for critiques from assistant.

- Look for ways to pull transitions together. Perhaps record some improvisation to achieve this.

Workshop 10

Question: How does the body explore and contrast between dynamic extremities?

- Make final adjustments to material and ask for critiques.

- Have a title, music and costume ready for performance.

- Have a clear idea in terms of lighting the piece.

- Perform the work to the best ability possible.

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