Thursday 27 November 2014

Workshop 2 - Phrase Creation

Sub-Question 1: How does the body respond when contrasting a dynamic?

Within this workshop I wanted to create a phrase which again, thinks of contrasting dynamics. I wanted to keep going with the fast/slow dynamics and so I planned that we would use this as a template for the phrase. From this I then wanted to perform the phrase to each other individually, giving feedback and constructive criticism on what we felt looked good/could be reworked within the phrase. I then wanted to have a discussion on the workshop to see how my intern found the process.

Beginning the workshop I feel we were distracted at first, as there were a large amount of people in the studio space at once. However, after a discussion of what the plan for the day was; we knuckled down and started creating. Beginning the phrase we both thought of some movements we could draw out slowly but could end with a quick stop, we then kept going with this idea and continued thinking of movements we could draw out but then just suddenly stop, this is how we came up with the bulk of the material. We took turns in sharing ideas and continuously expanded on the phrase until we got to a point where we felt we could stop and share. After sharing we discussed and fed-back to each other, giving details on what we could improve etc, and then wrapped up the workshop with by reflecting upon it.

Through this workshop I enabled myself to build some repertoire to explore and play with, as well as gaining a clearer understanding of how it feels to move within a phrase of movement when contrasting dynamics. I found that there are key differences between how two different people can embody the same movement material, and by seeing these differences I can educate myself to improve or build upon how I move individually.

See below for some video footage of my research intern and I performing the phrase we created.

Research Intern performing the phrase.

Me performing the phrase.

Throughout this workshop I feel that most of what I aimed to achieve came to fruition, although I feel there is some room for improvement. I would have liked for the phrase to be longer in length and contain more complex movement, however I found it hard to concentrate with a lot of people in the room with us. I believe the aims of the workshop were still met, just not to as great of a quality as I would have liked.

Monday 17 November 2014

Workshop 1 - Discussion & Improvisation

Sub-Question 2: How can I explore extremities in a dynamic through creative tasks?

Within this workshop my aim was to ease into things, make a slow start and talk over my ideas with my research intern. I didn't want to start at too fast of a pace and so I planned for us to create a spider diagram relating to what came to mind when thinking of dynamics. From this I then wanted us to move a little, choosing at least 2 words from the diagram to think about whilst improvising. After improvising a small amount of material I wanted to video record and reflect on the process and then improvise again thinking about what we had discussed while reflecting. We would then discuss again and take notes on some of the material we thought we could pull out of it.
Image of the Spider Diagram

Among entering the studio myself and my research intern sat down and started chatting about our day, I explained to her what the aims of the workshop were and talked through what I had hoped we would manage to get done within an hour. We started with a spider diagram and each pulled two words from it which we could contrast against each other during an improvisation task, I chose Fast & Slow where she chose Hard & Soft.

Through this workshop I was able to discover some new ways of moving and using dynamics, by looking at dynamic words. I found myself using my body in a different way than usual and was able to pull out some interesting material that I could use later, as well as my research intern doing the same thing, enabling me to also pull from her improvisation and use this bank of material later if I wished so.

See below a link to a video clip and an image of my research intern performing her improvisation in regards to soft and hard dynamics.
Workshop 1 - Improvisation Task

Throughout this workshop I feel that I was able to complete what I had hoped, creating a full understanding between me and my research intern about what we would be doing throughout the process. We were able to improvise well without intimidation or fear, and felt comfortable sharing with each other. In terms of the workshop plan I devised, I feel that we've made a good start and hopefully will continue at a good pace. The only thing I feel had room for improvement was the depth of our improvisation, if I could redo it I would want us to work deeper, and think in more detail when it comes to articulating the body within a certain dynamic style.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Workshop Plan

Throughout the course of the next 6 weeks I will be conducting workshops based among my choreographic principal, and the main question in which I will be exploring. I will also ask some sub-questions which I can use to explore my main point and experiment with it; movement wise and research wise. Using my research assistant, I will undergo a variety of tasks, either using myself, my assistant or collectively as the main explorer(s) within the workshops.

Here I have devised a plan consisting of ten workshops which I feel will help me in my exploration of my main and sub-questions. These workshops are a mix of academic and physical research and in some of these I will have help from my research intern Leigh Durrant, who was assigned to help me through this process.

Workshop Plan

Workshop 1

Sub-Q2: How can I explore extremities in a dynamic through creative tasks?

- Explore and share ideas and thoughts with research assistant, work through plan and start mind-mapping ideas and thoughts in regards to movement and research.

- Explore movement through improvisation and share.

Workshop 2

Sub-Q1: How does the body respond when contrasting a dynamic?

- Create a base phrase consisting of at least 16 counts as a starting point

- Discuss and share thoughts/criticisms.

Workshop 3

Sub-Question 1: How does the body respond when contrasting a dynamic?

- Show video footage from workshop 2 to intern, ask for feedback.

- With intern, look at some dynamics to use and add onto workshop 2's material together.

- Discuss and critique each other.

Workshop 4

Sub-Question 1: How does the body respond when contrasting a dynamic?

- Improvise on own thinking about using dynamics as a contrasting tool.

- Ask for feedback from intern/peers and note down.

- Video record findings and pull movement from it later.

Workshop 5

Sub-Question 3: How can I articulate the body fully in detail through the use of layered dynamics?

- Complete task to look at how dynamics can be layered on to individual body parts at different times.

- Create material on different body parts and string them together into a phrase.

- Share and feedback to each other.

Workshop 6

Sub-Question 3: How can I articulate the body fully in detail through the use of layered dynamics?

- Look back at the material from the previous workshop and make sure to keep it in mind.

- Create another phrase at least 16 counts long, keeping the same idea in mind.

- Explore creative methods such as chance etc. 

Workshop 7

Sub-Question 1: How does the body respond when contrasting a dynamic?

- Look back at base phrase material and discuss workshops so far.

- talk to intern and ask them to perform it to get a better feel for the movement, and self-critique. 

Workshop 8

Sub-Question 2: How can I explore extremities in a dynamic through creative tasks?

- Use previous material from workshops and discuss with assistant how the dynamics could be changed. Explore and find new ways of performing the material.

- Improvise movement thinking about vibration and segmenting the body.

Workshop 9

Sub-Question 2: How can I explore extremities in a dynamic through creative tasks?

- Go over all material and with the help of assistant piece phrases together in a logical manner. Rehearse until clear and ask for critiques from assistant.

- Look for ways to pull transitions together. Perhaps record some improvisation to achieve this.

Workshop 10

Question: How does the body explore and contrast between dynamic extremities?

- Make final adjustments to material and ask for critiques.

- Have a title, music and costume ready for performance.

- Have a clear idea in terms of lighting the piece.

- Perform the work to the best ability possible.

Saturday 15 November 2014


Welcome, my name is Robert Baxter and I am currently studying a Foundation Degree in Contemporary Dance at Newcastle College. This blog will present findings, evidence and the process I have gone through to create a solo dance. I will undergo workshops and within these will use creative and research tasks to explore my chosen choreographic principal, from my principal I will ask a main question and 3 sub-questions to drive the process. From questioning the principal I will be able to gain a better understanding of it and will be able to fully explore it in as many ways as possible. Concluding all my research and reflecting upon it I hope to have a better understanding of my principal and the main question I have asked, and through creation of a fully realised solo piece, gain the ability to understand it not only academically but physically.

Choreographic Principal

After thinking hard about what principal I would like to explore, I decided to choose Movement of the Body as my principal. I feel that in choosing this I can really explore a wide range of movement vocabulary, branching out from what I would normally do when it comes to exploring movement material.

From choosing this I then decided on my main question, in which I will be answering throughout the next few weeks as I explore the principal. Next I chose my three sub-questions, which are in relation to the main question. These are to give me a deeper understanding of my main question and will allow me to branch out and explore in more detail. (See below a layout of what I will investigate.)

Principal: Movement of the Body

Question: How does the body explore and contrast between dynamic extremities?

Sub-Q1: How does the body respond when contrasting a dynamic?

Sub-Q2: How can I explore extremities in a dynamic through creative tasks?

Sub-Q3: How can I articulate the body fully in detail through the use of layered dynamics?

I have chosen movement of the body as my principal, I feel that by using this principle I can really play with the body in whichever way I like, There is no limit as to how you can explore your body, and I'd like to work with that.

I chose my main question because I wanted to do something that I knew I could do a lot with, I knew that if I'd wanted I could walk extremely slowly from one side of the space to the other, and that would be an extreme dynamic. I really wanted it for the limitless possibilities that it brings, and hopefully an exciting investigation.

I chose Sub-Question 1 because when contrasting dynamics you can find a lot of interesting material, the body always responds differently when doing so and this made me want to chose this question. I feel that it will be very beneficial to my investigation.

I chose Sub-Question 2 for creative purposes, I knew that I would need to undergo a lot of creative tasks to find my finished product, and I feel that by asking this question I can really question myself on how I have created one session to the next.

I chose Sub-Question 3 as I feel that it will be able to give me more detail in regards to my movement material. I feel that by asking myself how to articulate and be detailed, I am able to pull more out from myself than I normally would. Layered dynamics also call for a lot of detail, and this is why I added this to the question.